Sunday, June 29, 2008


Because of the ugliness that is trek there will not be any photos of Ma and Pa Cox. Lucky for us our stake made a DVD capturing the entire experience so there is actual proof that we did it (no one will ever see it if I have anything to do with it).

A little about trek, we went to Deseret Land and Livestock just outside of Evanston for our hot, windy and filthy experience. Temperatures were hot during the day but the minute the sun went down it got into the twenties. We had nine kids assigned to us who were the best kids. They complained little, helped tons and were just all around great kids. Lucky for us we were all so tired every night we didn't really worry about anyone being out too late (I believe the latest they were out was shortly before midnight and that was the day we didn't walk).

To recap, the first day we walked for ten hours putting in roughly 18 miles (yes, our handcart was full with buckets, sleeping bags, pillows, blankets and coats). The second day Phil wouldn't let me walk and to make sure I didn't refuse he talked to the stake about it before discussing it with me. So the other pregnant ma and I rode in the trucks. This was a blessing as the first 1.5 miles was a steep hill and at the top they had to take six people directly to camp for medical treatment due to heat exhaustion (including a few I.V.'s). They clocked another eight miles that day. Friday was a day of rest including firesides, games, cooking and relaxing. Then Saturday came with another roughly six miles (it was supposed to be 4-5 but we got lost). Pretty well there was lots of medical trauma the entire way (shocking).

I have to say it was a unique experience that lends itself to a different kind of spiritual experience but for the most part we were exhausted the entire time. A few things I now love and appreciate even more (pioneers aside) flushing toilets, a standing building I call home, my car, electricity, to mention a few.

Another thing I figured out on this adventure: The reason we get called to do such things is all Phil's fault. By the second day he always ends up with a following of five to ten boys who hang on every word of profound wisdom he may throw out. No one is waiting to hear what I have to say (gratefully). I'm am grateful for a great husband who relates well (at times too well) to the youth and explains things on their level so they understand. He was great the entire trek and was so good and helpful and I truly do appreciate him even more.


the laytons. said...

We are glad you made it home safe and sound! Sounds like you had an adventure!

a.t.a said...
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The Hardy Family said...

I am so going to have to get my hands on a copy of the DVD! Good job guys, those kids were lucky to have you!

the Eggett's said...

What a great experience! Good for you for doing it, and good for you that it is now over :)

Niederfam said...

Oh I am bound and determined to find the stake trek DVD, and I WILL watch it, we'll watch it together!!! I'm also glad you made it back, although it'd be even better if I could actually SEE you too!!! Soon enough, I HOPE!!!

Melissa said...

Holy cow, Tiff! First of all, CONGRATS on Princess #3! We're thrilled for you guys. I'm so glad you made it on the trek okay~I can't believe you went! We just chuckle at Phil being the Pied Piper with the young men~we're so glad things don't change. :) Take care of yourself...